Our Mills Were Sold to The Customers in The US and Canada.


Celebration of the beginning of many successful Milling Customers and our Privilege in being Part of this Farm to Fork Movement. It is now one year since Ecomill has set up our Showroom and Testing / Training facility, in Denver, Colorado. We had many visitors that engaged with us to test their own wheat, as we milled it into Flour for samples to their potential customers.


Arriving mill shipment from the Denver’s warehouse to the “Flowing Grains” Manitoba, Canada

Our first mills were sold to the customers in the US and Canada. One of our ECOMILL 1500 Expert mills was purchased by “Organics Canada”, installed at the “Flowing Grains” company (Manitoba, Canada). The owner, Clarence Gross, visited Ecomill with his son Adam and co-worker Sheldon to complete the in-person training.  


Our guests from Canada are being trained on how to operate the ECOMILL 1500 Expert in showroom Denver, Colorado

“Flowing Grains” is a farm-based company with the variety of different types of flour production. Currently the “Flowing Grains” produces sifted spelt flour, muffin mix, pancake mix, and waffle mix; the company is planning to expand their capabilities in producing the oat flour, rye flour, spelt flour, and unbleached wheat flour.

In this photo (left to the right) Clarence Gross, Adam Gross, Alex Goncharov our technician and Sheldon Waldner

They have a good source of spelt and wheat from reliable local farmers in Saskatchewan. Clarence mentioned that they like milling spelt more than wheat since the flour is white as snow without even tempering the spelt. Wheat might need to be tempered to infuse different properties in the kernel fractions in the milling separation process. People at Flowing Grains were impressed by the spelt flour quality and the quality of the finished bakery products. Clarence prefers to have at least 12% of protein content to keep the bread well rising.

This is the bread that was baked from flour produced by the Flowing Grains staff on the ECOMILL 1500 Expert for consumption and celebration of their new mill.

In the short period of time Clarence and his team were able to learn how to operate the mill and gain confidence in milling; the company would like to move on with purchase of another Ecomill soon to increase their production and profitability. It has been a pleasure for the ECOMILL team to work with Clarence and his team. Best of luck for your new Endeavors.

Based on our conversations with Clarence, the mill is working very well, and brings enough flour production to benefit the “Flowing Grains” business and provide people living in the Cascade Colony with baked products.

